Liam Jones


    Liam Jones was born in Ballina, Co.Mayo. The wild beauty of the surrounding countryside was a powerful catalyst in moving him into the world of landscape painting.


    He is widely travelled having worked in Europe and America, but he was continuously drawn back to the country and to the west of Ireland in particular. HE held his first one-man exhibition (a sell out) in Dublin 1997. since then he has been recording , inn a personal way, the ever-changing moods and light of the west.


    Aerach” is a word that could describe his work. There is a wonderful sense of space in these paintings, a tranquillity where nothing is hurried. He moves effortlessly from the small details, such as a door of a shed, to wide panoramas. In doing so, he shows us some iconic images like Conor's Pass in West Kerry and Lettergesh in Connemara, but most paintings in this collection reflect his motto, “Within the ordinary lies the extraordinary.” These landscapes have a timeless quality and are beautifully illuminated by sun peeking through moving clouds, creating dramatic skyscapes.



    No poet, no painter can ever fully capture all that is contained in the landscape. In fleeting moments when our pride takes a grip we feel we have it – we've got it, but then the landscape merely changes and invites us further in. The landscape surely is a reflection of the divine. It is eternal.


    As a humble painter I can only stand in awe, in reverence before it and merely scratch at it's surface. The fleeting light and shadows are divine whispers to us. We only have to sit in silence and listen. Everyone has their own way of swimming in the landscape. Mine is to try reflect it on canvas.” -Liam Jones, 2006


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